
Find music for a scene

Need help finding the perfect music for a scene?

Explore award-winning compositions of all kinds at our Licensing website. Whether it's a touch of drama, an uplifting moment, or anything in between, the audio previews and tagging system will help you find the musical masterpiece your production is missing.

Judge's Scores for Festivals or Competitions

Do you need permission to photocopy music that is of out of print for a contest or festival?

For contests and/or festivals judges require that you present to them original, purchased scores or a letter from the publisher that grants you permission to make photocopies of the out-of-print score you are performing.
Please note that we can only grant permission to photocopy publications that are out of print. You will be required to buy the original copies of publications that are still in print and available for purchase.
The cost for each license covers 4 copies. For example, if you need seven (7) copies you will need two licenses totaling $50 at standard pricing and $80 at rush pricing.
Judges’ Score requests will be processed Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm EST. Requests that are submitted after 4pm EST will be processed the next business day.
Click here to purchase a license.


Are you making an arrangement?

If you wish to make an arrangement of one of our copyrighted works, you must obtain an arrangement license before commencing your work. These licenses are not automatically granted and may be declined for any reason.
Please click here to get started.

Dissertation or Thesis

Do you need permission to include one of our works in a dissertation or thesis?

If you wish to include one of our works in an academic dissertation or thesis for an advanced degree, you must obtain permission from us.
Please click here to get started.

Grand Rights (Staged Works)

Do you need a license for a stage production, opera or ballet?

If you wish to use one of our works in a stage production (theatrical play or musical), opera, ballet or other dance production, you must obtain a grand rights license.
If you need to rent the music click here, otherwise please click here to get started.

Performing Rights

Licenses are required for performances of copyrighted music (in addition to the rental of material).

Concert Performances Licensing

For questions regarding concert performance licensing, contact the appropriate performing rights society.

Within United States

Obtain licenses from either ASCAP, BMI or SESAC, depending on the work.

For works published by Theodore Presser Company and Elkan-Vogel contact:

One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY 10022
(212) 621-6000

For works published by Merion Music, contact:

7 World Trade Center
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007-0030
(212) 220-3000

For works published by Mercury Music, contact:

55 Music Square East
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 320-0055

Within Canada

Obtain licenses from SOCAN:

Current licensees: 1.866.944.6223
New licensees: 1.866.944.6210

Outside North America

Obtain licenses from the appropriate performing rights society for the country in which the performance takes place. (Find a partial list at NMPA.)

Photocopying Out-Of-Print Music (NOT Judges’ Scores)

If you need permission to make photocopies of out of print music for judges’ use at a competition/festival, please click HERE

Under copyright law, you need permission to make photocopies of music that is out-of-print.

Please click here to get started.

Print Rights

Do you want to include one of our works in a print publication?

If you want to include one of our works in a book, textbook, journal article, blog, church or other religious bulletin, concert program, academic coursepack or curriculum summary or any other printed format, or wish to include a photo of one of our composers or a cover of a publication in the same, you must obtain a print license.
Click here to begin.

Recording/Audio Streaming

Recording/Audio Streaming (U.S. Distribution Only)

If you wish to record one of our copyrighted works in CD, digital, or vinyl format or stream your recording on a website, you must obtain a Mechanical License. For distribution in the United States only, you can obtain a Mechanical License from our agent, The Harry Fox Agency.
If you are encountering any problems with The Harry Fox Agency regarding your license, please contact us at

Recording/Audio Streaming (Foreign Distribution Only)

If you wish to record one of our copyrighted works in CD, digital or vinyl format or stream your recording on a website and distribute the same outside the United States we will issue you the required Mechanical License.
Click here to begin.

Synchronization to Film, Video, or New Media (Including posting video to social media or elsewhere on the web)

Would you like to use one of our songs in a film, video, or new media?

If you wish to include one of our works to appear in a film, TV show, commercial, on a website or social media platform (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc.), promotional video, DVD or in any other visual format, you must obtain a synchronization license.
Click here to begin the process.

If you have a licensing question, you can contact us at

Copyright © 2024 Theodore Presser Company. All rights reserved.